Our Services

Our Services
Property Sales & Marketing–   As one of the Gold Coast’s highly regarded boutique and aspirational real estate companies, Matrix Global offers more than just your regular real estate agency or property concierge. Our point of difference is our unmatched international database, specialising in high-end residential property sales, investment strategies and finance solutions. Our industry expertise, negotiating and suite of other migration partner services ensure that we remain at the forefront of the market, all the while providing a bespoke and boutique offering.  With a bilingual Chinese-Australian team, and partners in Asia, Matrix Global proudly integrates a global presence with local expertise to ensure that we provide the very best representation and solutions for our clients.  Matrix Global has offices in China, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and the Gold Coast.

Property Management – At Matrix Global Real Estate we treat all our clients’ properties like our own with a vision of creating something different for property investors. We take pride in providing personalized, proactive, and specialized services to take away all the hassle and offer you peace of mind and maximum return on your investments.